Home \ Slotting Heads for Milling Machines

Slotting Heads for Milling Machines

The GD-100M slotting head is an additional accessory for a milling machine that expands its technological capabilities. By installing a slotting head on a milling machine, you can punch grooves in the workpiece, cut splines or gear teeth. You do not have to buy a mortising or planing machine for this. This is especially applicable in small-scale and repair production.


The Belarusian-made slotting head is a time-tested design. The simplicity and reliability of our heads has been appreciated by thousands of machine operators around the world. We have been producing them since 1995. We have exported to 25 countries, including China.

Over 30 years, we have collected binding diagrams for our heads of more than 100 machine models. Therefore, to order, it is often enough to specify:
- your machine model
- manufacturer
- year of manufacture.

SMK 25-32, FN-22, FN-32, FN-40, FWD-320 FNS-55, ФГВ 322, FU-321, FU-321М MT100, Х6436, TW-Mill 2, LW-2HT, MAHO Mikron VF-3, VF-4, FWD032, XL6436CL, Х8132, JY-2HT LM1450, US320(L), UTM320, UTM400, UTM450, X5746A ZX6326, XW6032B, X6140, X6330, XL8132, XL8140 FVV-125, FVV-200, FVV-210, FKM-6130.
